Posts Written OnMarch 05, 2013

Lenz Winery 2008 White Label Chardonnay

There are very few Long Island wines at $12 worth putting in one’s mouth. With what it costs to make wine here, that price range just isn’t one that is played in often — and when it is, it’s even more rare for the wine to be good. Lenz Winery 2008 White Label Chardonnay ($12) is a nice, straightforward chardonnay with low oak footprint that will appeal to a wide range of drinkers and complement an array of foods. Yellow apple and Bartlett pear dominate the nose, but there are also subtle tropical fruit and citrus blossom notes, and a…

Marquette Making its Mark in North Country Wine

The prospect of growing and making red wine in cool climates meets with some well-known challenges — reaching adequate ripening levels, controlling acidity, getting good color extraction, as well as surviving disease and predators. Until just a few years ago, it might have been considered madness to conceive of, let alone attempt to pursue, the table red in places where the winter snow can get as deep as the high trellis wire, or where there can be bare ground on days with temperatures so cold that cars and equipment won’t start until the morning sun has been on them for…

What We Drank (March 5, 2013)

  Here’s just a sampling of what our editors and contributors were drinking last week… David Flaherty: Mikkeler, Beer Hop Breakfast Despite the fact I am writing this as the sun is coming up, I am decidedly not having this beer for breakfast today. Call me a wuss, but I tend to shy away from 7.5% abv beers before my morning Fruit Loops. For those of you not familiar with the Danish brewery, Mikkeler, it’s worth noting that it at the forefront of the new wave of “gypsy brewers.” Not possessing a brewery of his own, Mikkel Borg Bjergsø bounces around…