Posts Written OnAugust 21, 2013

Keuka Spring Vineyards to Host Governor’s Cup Award Winner Sunset Dinner

Keuka Spring Vineyards is taking full advantage of their recent Governor’s Cup Award victory from last week’s New York Wine & Food Classic Competition and is planning a sunset dinner party next Friday, August 30 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. to celebrate the achievement. The event is intended to be a “fun, casual get together” according to Jeanne Wiltberger, co-owner of Keuka Springs and is open to anyone who wants to join them in the festivities. “We were thrilled to receive this award and looking forward to celebrating,” says Judy Wiltberger, owner of Keuka Springs Vineyard. Out of 875 entries in…

Food Reviewers: Stop Complaining About “Small” Portions

If the Internet has made everyone a critic, then most critics handing out one star on Yelp are idiots. This is not to say that some restaurants don’t deserve one star. The problem is that this country seems addicted to portion size, and large portion size, and it’s filtered into our assessment of whether a restaurant is offering a quality meal. How many times have you had a conversation with a friend that went something like this: “How was such-and-such restaurant?” “Amazing. The portions were HUGE!” We’re learning nothing about the food, the creativity of the kitchen, the thoughtfulness of…