It seems that over the years, the NYCR team has grown largely through connections I’ve made via social media. Those passionate about New York libations have a way of finding one another on Twitter and Facebook that has certainly enriched this website over the years.

Today, I’m happy to announce that our latest correspondent — focusing on Long Island wine — is someone I barely interact with online because I’ve known her for years offline, face-to-face.

Katherine Jaeger is a name that will be familiar to many of you. She worked for several years as Peconic Bay Winery’s wine club manager (and also managed the Empire State Cellars wine club that I curate) and has been a fixture on the North Fork for some time. Now that she’s working full-time for any winery — I’m finally able to bring her onto the team.

Katherine has been a proud North Fork resident for five years. When many friends were hell bent on city life, she sought out the seemingly quieter style afforded by the country. However Long Island’s East End was anything but quiet. She quickly found herself enamored with the vibrant agricultural landscape and immersed in the diverse community of the Long Island wine industry. What was intended to be a couple seasons turned into one year followed by another until 5 had passed and she had to admit she’d fallen in love.

Katherine thanks these unfolding seasons to her time at Peconic Bay Winery where she nurtured a new love and appreciation for wine and the regional portrait it painted. Throughout her time there, she pursued the many opportunities at her fingertips, nagging winemaker Greg Gove and vineyard manager Charlie Hargrave to learn the science and art behind the bottle. Ultimately, her time there introduced her to the bigger picture of New York through the opening of Empire State Cellars and its opportunity to taste the best of the bottles from every region in New York. Now retired from the industry, she welcomes opportunities of shared exploration into New York’s dynamic wine industry.
Katherine resides in Greenport with a white bike, a keen curiosity, and an ardent love for the East End. Please join me in welcoming her to the team.