Posts Written OnAugust 14, 2014

Macari Vineyards Named 2014 “Winery of the Year”

Regardless of what anyone thinks about wine competitions — how they are run, how the results are used to sell wine, etc. — when a deserving group of people are recognized for their work, it’s worth noting. Macari Vineyards being named “Winery of the Year” at the 2014 New York Wine & Food Classic yesterday is newsworthy because the Macari family, and the family-run culture they’ve cultivated at their winery, is worthy of even more attention than it already gets. “Family-run” gets thrown around a lot in the wine world. I guess it’s meant to to indicate a level of artisanal, hands on-ness.…

Chateau Lafayette Reneau Wins 2014 Governor’s Cup

The most prestigious award in New York wine went to Chateau Lafayette Reneau, a wine producer that can boast some of the finest vineyard land in the Finger Lakes. CLR won the coveted Governor’s Cup for their 2013 Semi-Dry Riesling. The wine edged out several other best-in-category winners, including two wines developing a strong pedigree: Macari’s Cabernet Franc (this one the 2010 vintage) and Anthony Road Dry Rose (the 2013). It will be interesting to see if this award affects CLR in any significant fashion. In many ways, CLR feels like it has been frozen in time, from the antiquated…