Posts Tagged“new york cork club”

New York Cork Club: May 2016 Selections

With summer just around the corner — despite the cool, grey weather blanketing most of the northeast right now — I wanted to pick some wines this month that are well suited to warmer weather occasions and foods. I think I’ve done that with these wines even if they don’t offer the same sense of discovery as some other picks have. These aren’t obscure producers or grapes or wines that you haven’t seen before. Instead, I’ve chosen two delicious wines from two of my favorite producers — one in the Finger Lakes and one on Long Island. My first pick is…

New York Cork Club: March 2016 Selections

  “Does he pick these wines because we like them?” One of our friends — who also happens to be a member of this club — asked my wife that recently, and while the short answer is probably “no” it’s a bit more complicated than that, I think. I want each and every one of you to love each and every wine that I pick each and every month, the reality is that I have to like it first. As much as I want to keep you happy, I’d never put a wine into a shipment that I didn’t like,…

New York Cork Club: The Best New York Wine Delivered to Your Door

If you read this blog, you’re obviously interested in New York wine. But, depending on where you live, you may not have ready access to very much of it. If that’s you, we’ve got the solution. We’ve partnered with The Cellar d’Or — a great wine and cider shop in Ithaca, NY — for the New York Cork Club. Every month, I pick two great New York wines and they are delivered to your door. The wine itself never exceeds $50 for those two bottles (shipping costs vary) and by joining, you’ll get everything from classic wines from the top wineries in…

New York Cork Club: January 2016 Selections

Happy New Year! Our friends at the Cellar d’Or are packing up my January 2016 picks for the New York Cork Club this week, so it’s that time again — to tell you about the wines I picked. To kick off 2016, we’re thrilled to include wines from two of the Finger Lakes’ premier producers. Red Tail Ridge Winery 2014 Pétillant Naturel — A few of my friends have started calling me “Mr. Pet Nat” because I keep writing about them and putting them into the club — but I can’t help it. They are so fun and refreshing and a pleasure to…

New York Cork Club: June 2015 Selections

We’re getting ready to ship the June 2015 wines for the New York Cork Club, so I wanted to tell you a bit about them. (If you missed our announcement about the rebirth of New York Cork Club, check it out here.)In the next week or so, members will get:Element Winery 2011 Syrah ($36) — Wow. This wine pushes the boundaries of what we want to include price-wise, but it’s so limited (90 cases) and so delicious (think Northern Rhone meets Finger Lakes) that we just had to include it. Bellwether Wine Cellars 2014 Dry Rose ($16) — A blend of cabernet franc, gamay…

It’s Back: The New York Cork Club — New York’s Best and Most Interesting Wines Delivered to Your Door

This is a happier Friday than usual at NYCR headquarters. Why? Because the New York Cork Club — our New York wine club — is back. We’re thrilled to be partnering with The Cellar d’Or in Ithaca, NY to bring the club back. For those of you who were members of the club when we were working with the now-closed New York wine superstore Empire State Cellars, we’ve simplified and scaled back the club significantly. Every month, I’ll pick two wines that will never exceed $60 plus shipping and we’ll send them to you. It’s really that simple. In the…

New York Cork Club: April Selections

By Lenn Thompson, Editor and Publisher Obviously I'm a bit behind with this post, given that we're well into May now, but I wanted to write a quick post about the wines I chose for April's shipment of the New York Cork Club. Both were a little difficult to get our hands on, so I'm extra proud of the choices. First is Keuka Lake Vineyards 2007 Reserve Vignoles ($19), just the kind of wine that you're not going to get in any other wine club. First, Vignoles is hybrid grape. Unfortunately, most wine 'experts' ignore hybrids. Second, it's a (almost)…

New York Cork Club: December’s Selections

This month, I've decided to do something a little different with the New York Cork Club, the New York wine club that I manage with Greene Grape Wine Company in Brooklyn. In most months, I pick two wines from two different wineries (and often from two differnet AVAs) This time, I picked two wines from the same winery, Lenz Winery on Long Island's North Fork. With the holidays coming up, I wanted to send two different types of wine — one that members can open at a party (affordably) and just simply enjoy drinking and one that was a bit…

The New York Cork Club: A New York Wine Club

Have you ever found yourself reading about a magnificent Long Island merlot or a racy Finger Lakes riesling and thought to yourself “Man, I wish I could get my hands on that wine, but I can’t get New York wines here in (insert your home town/city/state here).”? The New York Cork Club, a joint venture between this blog and is making New York wines more accessible to people around the country. Every month, I’ll hand select two bottles of New York wine and Bacchus will send them to you if you’re members of our unique New York wine club.…

New York Cork Club: October Selections

October’s shipment from the New York Cork Club will be sent out soon, and it’s time to let members know what’s coming (and let non-members know what they are missing). First, as you can see, is the Ravines Wine Cellars 2006 Dry Riesling ($16). Yes, I know I’m sending another riesling and I swear I wasn’t planning to, but this one is just too tasty. Filled with lime, mineral and faintlyl floral qualities and awesome acidity, this really shows off everything that is so great about Finger Lakes riesling. And at $16 it’s a great buy too. Our second selection…