Posts Tagged“NY Drinks NY”

NY Drinks NY Means that Winter is Over. I Promise!

At this point, winter has been such a relentless bitch many of us will drink anything to keep warm and shut out the dark, grey days. But with Spring fast approaching, I’m here to remind you to be mindful of what’s in your glass. Don’t just slug whatever bottle you have on hand in order to stay indoors. For me - NY Drinks NY heralds Open Season on Spring wine. New, shiny things I have yet to taste. This yearly event brings together three dozen or more wineries from across New York State for a Grand Tasting and … marks…

NY Drinks NY: Tasting New York In 60 Minutes Or Less

Since I recently moved back to New York state, I looked forward to the NY Drinks NY tasting for weeks as a way to plunge back in and get reacquainted with New York wine. But then a business lunch ran late and I hoofed it in to Astor Center with barely an hour to spare. Merda! With thirty-five producers, seven wines (roughly) apiece, and 60 or so minutes, I definitely needed an organizing principle. Tracking down my Hudson Valley neighbors seemed a solid place to start. Soon, I found all — three of them? Benmarl Winery, Brotherhood Winery, and Whitecliff…

Spring Fever Hits Hard at NY Drinks NY

The fact I was bundled in down from head to toe while I cruised the block sto Astor Center reminded me (as if I could forget) that it’s still winter. For the third year in a row, NY DRINKS NY presented its Grand Tasting featuring nearly 32 wineries from across New York State. Manhattan in mid-March sits on the precipice of spring meaning new wine releases and desperate hopes for balmy weather, even though the mercury says, “Bitches, we’re still in winter.” Well, I don’t care. My taste buds are firmly planted in backyard grilling, delicate sunshine, snap peas and…

Some Highlights from NY Drinks NY

If you have a cold, it’s basically impossible to taste wine, or anything else for that matter. I got a message from Lenn that he wouldn’t be able to make it to the NY Drinks NY event at the Astor Center in New York City on March 17 because he’d developed a nasty cough and sore throat. He’d planned to attend the afternoon sessions — seminars on single-vineyard rieslings, cabernet franc across the state (no surprise that he wanted to go to that one, if you know him), and Long Island sustainability — and then we were going to meet…

NY Drinks NY: Sparkling Wines of New York

Like panel moderator Linda Lawry, I also believe that Champagne or any of its descendants are labors of love best in enjoyed simply because it’s Tuesday. For that reason (and also because I’m a bit of a lush), I was thrilled to attend a Sparkling Wines of New York seminar at the NY Drinks NY event at Astor Center on Monday. As the Director of the International Wine Center, an organization dedicated to wine education for neophytes and oenophiles both, Lawry was a good fit lead the discussion. She introduced representatives from wineries to present their creations with the panache and…