Posts Tagged“pairing”

Beer Deserves its Place on the White Tablecloth

Nothing bothers me more than this scenario in a fine dining establishment: the polite waiter hands me a wine list, (which is essentially equivalent to the weight of the stone tablets that hold the Ten Commandments), asks if he can be of assistance, and, when asked, flips to the back page to reveal the “beer list” which reads: Guinness, Stella Artois, Blue Moon, Heineken, and maybe, just maybe, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Hmm….let’s look at this: 50 plus pages of wine…Jura represented by their offerings of Savagnin, an entire page of White Burgundy, all with three-digit prices. You want wines made…

Your Ultimate Guide to Pairing Beer and Cheese

By Julia Burke, Beer Editor and Aaron Estes, Cheese Editor Some say the best match for cheese is wine. We say those people are probably the ones who thought Buttercup should’ve stuck with Prince Humperdinck in The Princess Bride. Beer and cheese is where it’s at, folks and with the holidays approaching, you may want to treat your guests and family to this killer combination. But pairing is always a challenge, and you may be asking yourselves, “But doesn’t all beer go with all cheese? Aren’t they both delicious and snackable? Why should I care about specific pairings?” As your…

For Thanksgiving, Drink What You Like

By Lenn Thompson, Editor-in-Chief You may have noticed that the New York Cork Report hasn't published a "What You Should Drink on Thanksgiving" story this year. That's by design. I don't see us writing one of those in the future either. Someone must read them — they appear in just about every possible wine media outlet. Every year. Like clockwork. You can read some of the details about why I personally don't like those columns, but in short: They are based in false expertise. There is no such thing as the "perfect" Thanksgiving wine, period. If there were, all of…

Local With Local: Seared Peconic Bay Scallops with Wolffer Estate 2003 Estate Selection Chardonnay

Our little Local With Local project kicks off 2008 with another recipe from chef Doug Gulija from The Plaza Cafe in Southampton. This time around, we’ve paired a popular East End delicacy, Peconic Bay scallops, with a deliciously balanced barrel fermented 2003 Estate Selection Chardonnay from Wolffer Estate. As always, a big thanks goes out to by chef Doug and Ellen Watson, the photographic talent behind the above picture. This is a terrific combo and I’m proud to say that this menu item is currently on the menu at the restaurant. Recipe behind the jump.

Gilded Fork: Harvest Celebration Dinner Party Menu

This month on Gilded Fork, chef Mark Tafoya has put together a delicious menu to celebrate harvest season. And, as their wine pairing guru, I’ve suggested some wines — and one little surprise — to go along with it. Check it out today. And, if you haven’t checked out Gilded Fork yet, do yourself a favor and give them a shot. The writing overflows with passion about all things delicious.