Posts Tagged“wine blog awards”

New York Cork Report Named a 2013 Wine Blog Awards Finalist

Earlier this morning, this website was named as a finalist in the 2013 Wine Blog Awards in the “Best Single-Subject Blog” category. After taking a year off from the awards last year — so Evan and I could serve as judges without any conflict — we’re thrilled and proud to be back in the running. If we win, it will be our 4th such award. Voting runs now through Friday and there are some great blogs represented across the categories, including many run by people that I’m lucky to count as friends. If you enjoy NYCR and find us worthy,…

2012 Wine Blog Awards Finalists Announced

The finalists in the 2012 Wine Blog Awards competition have been announced. We’d like to congratulate all of the finalists and encourage our readers to vote. When I shared this link on Facebook this morning, I was surprised (and humbled) at the number of people who contacted me asking why the New York Cork Report wasn’t nominated, named a finalist, etc. It’s really quite simple — Evan and I decided to serve as judges this year and as such, recused the NYCR from the competition. It was not a requirement for us to do so to judge (some judges are on the…

LENNDEVOURS Wins “Best Single-Subject Wine Blog” Award

I just received word that LENNDEVOURS has been named the winner as "Best Single-Subject Wine Blog" in the 2009 American Wine Blog awards. This is obviously an honor and I'd like to thank each and every one of you reading this post for reading LENNDEVOURS. We'e coming up on the 5-year anniversary of its creation and I never expected my blog to become what it has today, but I'm certainly glad that is has. I've met so many great people, tasted so many great wines and had so many great experiences because of LENNDEVOURS that it is more than worth…

American Wine Blog Awards: Nominate LENNDEVOURS

I’ve been remiss in not mentioning Tom Wark’s (of Fermentation) American Wine Blog Awards before now. Every other blogging community has a set of awards and I can think of no better creator than Tom. It’s going to be great to see some of my favorite bloggers winning awards for all of their hard work. I’m even more excited about it because there is one category that I think I have a chance in: Best Single-Subject Wine Blog. I don’t pay attention to many awards because this blog is so focused on New York wines. But, in this category, I…