Posts Written OnApril 24, 2007

WTN: Wolffer Estate Big Apple Wine

For whatever reason, there are a lot of wine lovers (snobs?) who turn their noses up at fruit wines. Maybe it’s because I live in a state where quite a few are made, but I’ve found some great fruit wines-including this one. No, I’m not saying that this is some earth-shattering wine that will change your life, age for ten-plus years or anything like that.  It’s made with 20% Ida Red, 18% Golden Delicious, 18% Fuji, 17% Jona Gold, 10% Empire, 8.5% Gold Rush, 8.5% Breaburn apples, all grown by the Halseys of White Cap Farm in Bridgehampton. But, at…

Who Wants to Make Some Wine in 2007?

As you probably know, I made ten or so cases of cabernet franc in 2006. Bottling was delayed a couple weeks ago, but is should commence soon. Then, the wine will hopefully be ready just in time for Thanksgiving dinner. But that’s the past. This post is about the future. For the 2007 vintage, I’d like to open it up to a few of you to join me in making some wine. Depending on who wants to join in and what they want to do, we may do another Chinon-style cab franc, but we could potentially do a merlot or…