If you read this blog, you’re obviously interested in New York wine. But, depending on where you live, you may not have ready access to very much of it. If that’s you, we’ve got the solution.

We’ve partnered with The Cellar d’Or — a great wine and cider shop in Ithaca, NY — for the New York Cork Club. Every month, I pick two great New York wines and they are delivered to your door. The wine itself never exceeds $50 for those two bottles (shipping costs vary) and by joining, you’ll get everything from classic wines from the top wineries in the state to small-production (as little as 25 cases!) wines that you just won’t get anywhere outside of the winery itself.

Want to take a peek at some of my previous selections? Check them out.

Surely by now you’re convinced, so head over to The Cellar d’Or’s site and join today.