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How Can You Not Love Pork?

How can you not love pork? This week alone I’ve had it at least four times…as sausage…pulled on a roll…and even in a wrap today for lunch (I’m a sucker for a wrap…but that’s a different post for a different time). I have at least a half dozen friends that don’t eat pork…and I’m not talking about any vegetarian friends I may have. That I can understand (to a certain extent). But the other people I’m talking about eat chicken. They eat beef. They just don’t eat pork. No bacon. No sausage (unless it’s turkey). No pepperoni on pizza. Why…

On the Road: A Pumpkin Carving Party

We’re headed to upstate New York again this weekend for a pumpkin carving party at my future in-laws’. Even as a person more likely to be successful using a pumpkin for soup as opposed to a jack-o-lantern, I’m looking forward to the weekend away. FMIL (Future Mother In Law) is making a slew of her soon-to-be famous pizzas for about 14 people…and of course Nena and I will be bringing wine! A weekend in the country is much needed at this point. Work has been extremely stressful and hectic…and the fresh air and relaxed tempo of Schoharie is always the…

Americans and Drinking Wine

I subscribe to Jennifer Rosen’s email newsletter and I noticed today she also posts their content on her blog…which is definitely worth checking out. I really liked this week’s posting because it discusses why American’s don’t drink wine with meals like they do in Europe…a fact that is truly a shame if you ask me. She outlines the reasons very well though…including the fact that some wines in Europe are much lower in alcohol (so they CAN have them with lunch and go back to work) and the fact that “table wine” is simply cheaper over there. Nena and I…

Wine Blogging Wednesday Reminder: Down Under Shiraz

Just a quick reminder…the November vintage of Wine Blogging Wednesday is coming up next week! The theme, selected by Viv at Seattle Bon Vivant, is Aussie Shiraz…so go out and get one! I picked up a value Shiraz that is supposed to be pretty good…and no, it’s not Yellow Tail (which I think is a great entry wine for non-red drinkers.) Join us down under for WBW…it’s sure to be a g’day mates!

Dinner Tonight: Cooperage Inn (Baiting Hollow, NY)

Now that I’m doing regular writing for Dan’s Papers (see links at left), Nena and I find ourselves out east, in Long Island Wine Country, more and more. Baiting Hollow, a small town on the western edge of the vineyards is considered the ‘gateway to the wineries’ by many…and tonight we’re eating at a restaurant there-Cooperage Inn. It’s been a long time since I did a restaurant review here on LENNDEVOURS…mostly because we’ve cut back on our dining out, both in number and in $ spent…but we decided to try somewhere new…so a review will appear in the next few…

Over the Barrel: New Releases from Lieb Family Cellars

(This column will appear in an upcoming issue of Dan’s Papers) Over the Barrel…with Lenn Thompson New Releases from Lieb Family Cellars If you love Long Island wines like I do, you might have a love-hate relationship with autumn on the East End. You love it because its grape harvest season, often called “crush” in California. The wineries and tasting rooms are filled with the smells of fresh grapes and winemaking. But, especially on the North Fork, roads are packed and parking lots are overflowing with people snatching apples from orchards and scurrying through corn mazes. More time in your…

An Evening With Comtesse Therese

Bernard Cannac, consultant winemaker, Lisa Julian Cannac, assistant winemaker, and Theresa K. Dilworth, Esq., owner and winemaker of Comtesse Therese Winery before our tasting began. It’s not every day that you get to spend an entire evening with the people that make some of your favorite local wines. I’m lucky enough to say that it happened to me and Nena on Saturday night. After a quick tour of Premier Wine Group (the custom-crush winemaking co-op where they make their wine) and her vineyard, Theresa Dilworth, owner and winemaker of Comtesse Therese, hosted a tasting of their new releases…inside an old…

The Phenomenon that is Hooters

I’m a 29 year old male…so you’d probably assume that I’d had the pleasure of dining at one of the many Hooters that dot the American landscape. You’d be wrong. My first visit to Hooters didn’t happen until…well…last night. There’s one right around the corner from my office and just up the street from my softball game last night (which was at 8 p.m.). So, when John called and wanted to head over there after work to kill some time before the game…how can any self respecting man say no? It was a good time. The wings were actually pretty…