Posts Tagged“wbw”

WBW #40: Fleur de California 2006 Petit Sirah

Well, it’s Friday and I’m finally getting around to posting my entry for Wine Blogging Wednesday #40, hosted by everyone’s favorite Wannabe Wino. Of course, is she really just a wannabe? Some would say not. But anyway, her theme Que Sirah SIrah, asked us to turn our palates towards a grape that is sometimes overlooked, Petite Sirah. My experience with PS has mostly been relegated to Bogle’s $10 version, which I’ve alway enjoyed as a value wine for with grilled foods. My pathetic local wine shops just don’t stock much of the stuff beyond that. So, I had to do…

WBW #39: La Mere Boitier Macon-Villages 2004

Finding a Silver Burgundy, as this month’s WBW host asked of us, proved much harder than I ever imagined. True, I didn’t have time to go to my go-to shop for WBW. It’s an hour from our house with traffic. But still, I stopped at two shops on my way home Tuesday evening expecting that I could find something. Strangely, if we were doing Chablis or "gold" Burgundy, I would have several options. Not so for this month’s theme, however. But, it was the lovely and talented Mrs. LENNDEVOURS, who found this bottle of La Mere Boitier Macon-Villages at a…

Don’t Forget: Tomorrow is Wine Blogging Wednesday #39

Tomorrow marks the 39th edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday, the world’s favorite virtual wine tasting event. Neil over at Brooklynguy’s Wine and Food blog is playing host and he’s chosen "Silver Burgundy" as the theme. As has happened the last couple of times out, WBW has snuck up on me again. So, I’ll be heading to a few shops tonight after work in search of an appropriate wine.

WBW #38 Roundup and WBW #39 Announcement

I’m a little behind with this, but the roundup for Wine Blogging Wednesday #38, Portuguese Table Wines has been posted over at Catavino. As you can see, we had a nice turnout and the wine lovers behind Catavino did something a little different with the roundup. Certainly as participation grows, it becomes more and more tedious to read the roundup posts (let alone write them). Let us know what you think about the format they tried. I’m also happy to announce that one of my favorite semi-local bloggers, Brookynguy is taking over the hosting reins for November’s WBW #39 with…

Wine Blogging Wednesday #38: Casa de Santar 1999 Dao Reserva

Welcome to Wine Blogging Wednesday #38 hosted by Ryan and Gabriella of Catavino. The theme, as one would expect when the blog for Iberian wines is playing host, focuses on that region. More specifically, Ryan and Gabriella asked participants to choose a table wine from Portugal. Port and Madeira are off limits and they also challenged us to come up with something more interesting than Vinho Verde or  Douro reds. I have only tried a handful of Portuguese reds in my three or four years of serious wine drinking. All were okay, but nothing really grabbed me and said "pay…

WBW #37 Roundup Posted | WBW #38 Announced

In case you missed it, the good doctor has posted the roundup for Wine Blogging Wendesday #37 Go Native. And, I’m happy and proud to report that a record 52 entries were submitted. Thanks, Tyler, for hosting and for drumming up so many participants. Perhaps our new event portal has helped as well. And, the WBW train keeps moving forward as well, with one of my favorite blogs, Catavino hosting. For anyone who knows Ryan and Gabriella, it should come as no shock that they have chosen Portuguese wines for the them, but with a few caveats. I’m not going…

Wine Blogging Wednesday #37: Ravines Wine Cellars 2006 Keuka Village White (Finger Lakes)

Wine Blogging Wednesday is back again-this time for its 37th edition, hosted by none other than Dr. Vino himself. The theme is "Go Native" and the good doctor has asked us to drink a wine made from indigenous grapes. As someone who writes about, and tastes, a lot of New York wines, there are a lot of non-vinifera wines that cross my palate. And, I could have dug around in my cellar for a New York-made concord wine and followed the letter of the law exactly. But frankly, most of those wines aren’t my cup of tea? Instead, I wanted…

WBW #36: Getting Naked On Both Coasts

Three years seems like a lifetime in many ways. Three years ago Nena and I were engaged, not married like we are now. Jackson wasn’t even a consideration. We were renting a house instead of paying a mortgage. And, three years ago, I also threw the idea of Wine Blogging Wednesday out into the blogosphere. The food blogs had Is My Blog Burning, so I figured the wine geeks among us might enjoy a similar virtual, international event. Three years later, we’re going strong and seemingly growing stronger with every vintage. Thank you to each and every person who has…

Wine Blogging Wednesday #36: Let’s Get Naked

Now that I have your attention, let’s get down to business. Next month, on August 8 to be exact, we’ll be celebrating the three-year anniversary of Wine Blogging Wednesday. Actually, in the early days, it was called World Wide Wine Blogging Wednesday. But, participants quickly streamlined the name and the rest is Internet history. What started out as a few hardcore wine blogging geeks has really grown into more than I could have imagined. For that, I am grateful. Thank you to every person who has ever participated. But let’s stop looking back…let’s look forward. The theme for WBW #36…

WBW #35: Do Zoe 2006 Albarino (Rias Baixas)

It’s become increasingly hard for me to find wines under $10 that I enjoy…even as "summer sippers" on a hot day. With that in mind, I was thrilled when  Michelle suggested that her edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday focus on Spanish wines that cost less than $10. But where to begin? Should I look for a cheap Rioja or some other Tempranillo-based wine? Maybe a Cava? Nah. Given the heatwave we’ve been having here on Long Island, something white and refreshing seemed the way to go (not that Cava isn’t refreshing mind you). I wanted to explore Albarino a bit…